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Boost Literacy & ESL product sales with interactive, evidence-based learning platforms

Turn your literacy/ESL content into interactive digital products

in just a few weeks

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The Digital Learning Market is Exploding

Traditional publishers of literacy & ESL products face increasing competition as schools increasingly adopt EdTech.


It's a $40 billion market opportunity, but building an online platform is time-consuming and cost prohibitive.

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Don't Get Left Behind

Literacy & ESL Publishers see interactive platforms with voice recognition as integral to the future of Literacy/ESL learning and assessment.



They’re spending months of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars building online learning platforms.

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With our Interactive Learning Design Studio, you can build an online platform for a fraction of the cost, and in a fraction of the time.

Interactive Learning Design Studio

Easily turn printed curriculum into interactive, animated apps with subscriptions, referrals, user info, data analytics & more 

…all with zero code! (15).gif


Our all-in-one no-code platform empowers publishers to produce

powerful digital marketplaces in weeks, not months.

Easy, no-code book digitization & animation

Quickly turn your Literacy/ESL materials into exciting online learning products.

World-class voice recognition

Measure and evaluate student performance with powerful voice recognition technology.

Manage payments, referrals and more!

View & manage subscriptions, user data, referrals, analytics and much more.

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