One-on-one tutor for every student
When students struggle to decode, they click the letters to learn how to sound them out. Then they read out loud as our automated tutor listens & provides precision feedback and support.

Hundreds of decodables
& assessments
All aligned with UFLI Scope & Sequence. Written by real teachers, for quality.
Illustrated by real artists, for safety.
Precise, powerful data
As students read aloud, mistakes are automatically detected and sent to teachers in easy-to-read charts.

Saving teachers time while improving literacy outcomes

Powerful assessment data for educators
Empowering teachers & schools to identify precisely where students need more support.

Hundreds of stories and assessments
Saving teachers hours each week with UFLI-aligned decodables & automated assessments.

Boosts literacy outcomes
Research demonstrates up to 19.3% increase in literacy score in just 4 weeks!*
*Based on research done in a mid-sized district in Ontario.
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It takes a village to improve education. Here are some organizations that are helping us grow.
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Decodable Text Resources

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What Teachers are Saying
“I am proud to say my low students who we were concerned about are now achieving letter names and beginning to achieve letter sounds! These students are the ones who do English Islands the most. I just wanted to let you know this tool is really beneficial to all students. Thank you so much!”
Kate Hodgeman
Fairport Beach PS

“Oh my goodness, they LOVED the dog illustrations! I felt like today was better than the other day and the three word sentences are where they're at! Each day will get better and better!”
Kayla Grant Colton Pierrepont Central School

“English Islands is just a really great one in terms of providing that instant real-time feedback for kids, they get that pinpointed phoneme level feedback on their progress.”
Kimiko Shibata
Teacher in Waterloo