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Use federal funding to close learning gaps with English Islands

Funding for Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA)

English Islands is a UFLI-aligned automated tutor that boosts literacy scores by up to 19.3% in as little as four weeks, empowering schools to improve student outcomes even when faced with less resources. Learn how English Islands fits within allowable funding under Titles I, III, IV and IDEA.

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How English Islands aligns to Title I, Part A

​Title I funding provides over $18 billion to schools serving a high number/percentage of children from low-income families to ensure they meet challenging state academic standards.


  • English Islands gives teachers tools to target and provide intervention for students’ greatest instructional needs while tackling the achievement gap.

  • English Islands supports truly independent and personalized learning, enabling teachers to deliver targeted, high-quality small group instruction.

  • English Islands measurably improves academic achievement in literacy, as proven by carefully designed and controlled experiments.

  • English Islands helps students of all backgrounds meet challenging state literacy standards.

How English Islands aligns to Title III

​Title III provides over $700 million to support English Language Learners and their families.


  • English Islands provides students with engaging reading activities tailored to help them attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English and meet the same challenging state academic standards of their English speaking peers.

  • English Islands provides audio and visual support that assists ELLs in both pronunciation and vocabulary acquisition, helping them build English proficiency and content knowledge.

  • English Islands provides formative assessments to help teachers monitor the progress and proficiency of ELLs throughout the year.

  • English Islands provides parents with visibility into and understanding of phonics, promoting family participation in language instruction.

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How English Islands aligns to Title IV, Part A

​Title IV provides over $1 billion in funding to school safety, well-rounded education, and educational technology initiatives. Districts receiving more than $30,000 from Title IV can spend up to 60% of this fund on technology for teaching and learning.


  • English Islands enables districts to leverage Chromebooks, tablets, and laptops for engaging, rigorous literacy instruction and intervention.

  • English Islands’ online resources are aligned with the UFLI Scope & Sequence, and have been vetted for readability at each students’ reading level.

  • Teachers are able to assign lessons on English Islands that are aligned with each student’s unique learning needs, fostering a personalized learning environment.

  • Teachers and administrators have access to student performance data that provides insights into which phoneme-grapheme pairs students struggle with, allowing teachers to provide highly targeted intervention and instruction.

How English Islands aligns to Title IV, Part B

​Title IV, Part B provides grants to local school districts and community learning centers for afterschool, before school and summer programs serving students in low-performing schools.


  • English Islands’ intuitive interface allows for engaging academic literacy activities to be implemented in before school, after school and summer programs, with very little overhead administrative needs from instructors or supervisors.

  • English Islands allows for literacy learning to continue anywhere students are internet connected, extending learning time to home and community learning centers.

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How English Islands aligns to IDEA

​Second only in size to Title I funds, school districts receive IDEA funds to help pay for the cost of providing services and education to children with disabilities.


  • English Islands supports students with dyslexia and other disabilities in gaining critical reading skills that are fundamental to academic success.

  • English Islands empowers students who need extra support with the ability to access individualized feedback both in the classroom and at home. 

  • Assessment data provided on English Islands empowers teachers to address root causes of poor performance, and evaluate student progress towards goals. 

  • Teachers and administrators have access to student performance data that provides insights into which phoneme-grapheme pairs students struggle with, allowing teachers to provide highly targeted intervention and instruction.

  • English Islands’ reporting metrics can be used to demonstrate progress towards IEP goals for students with a special education designation.

Help your students catch up now.

For Schools & Districts

Book a demo here, or fill the form below to learn more.

Read more about how English Islands works here.

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What happens if my school purchases a subscription at a later date?

You can get our early bird Teacher Subscription now, and if your school upgrades your class to a Class Subscription (or purchases a School Subscription) at a later date, we'll give you a prorated refund. Please be sure to sign up using your school email, and let us know when your school purchases the upgrade!

When is the subscription valid for? 

Early bird subscriptions will be valid through the 2024-2025 school year.

Will there be a free version? 

Yes! You can use all features free with your students through October 31st. After that, teachers are welcome to use our platform free of charge for printing decodable stories and assessments. 

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